If you have found this page because you have lost your beloved fish, know that I empathize with you and understand what you are going through. The loss of a fish companion is always accompanied by a sense of grief and loss, especially a Betta. I often refer to them as little water dogs, as they are much more responsive and interactive than many other fish breeds. Then arises the question of how one chooses to handle the body of a departed pet. Many people decide on a traditional burial, and some utilize the less sentimental approach of the flush. In my own grief at losing my first Betta fish, I devised a method to cremate him and save his ashes in a small vial. Not long after, I made a Betta shaped urn, based off a photo of him, and stored the vial within a small chamber inside the urn. Now he is memorialized forever in this little silhouette sculpture.
The Betta urn and cremation kits offered on my website are identical to the ones I used for my own fish.
I provide instructions on how to cremate your Betta fish utilizing the cremation tin and an actual wood fire. It is not recommended to attempt cremation in a standard household oven, as the temperature needed to attain proper cremation warrants its use as impractical. If you do not have immediate access to a location where a wood fire can be safely built and maintained with hot coals for at least eight hours, please do not attempt this. An alternate suggestion would be to freeze your Betta Fish until an opportune time when you may have access to a fire pit, or barrel.
The kit comes complete with a solid wood Betta fish shaped urn and stand, a small vial to contain the ashes, a cremation tin with bailing wire, a small funnel, and an instructional scroll. Feel free to contact me to find more information about having a custom urn designed for your fish.
Please visit my website at Memento Mori Mausoleums for more information on Betta fish urns, cremation urn display cabinets, and an array of items designed specifically to memorialize the loss of one's loved ones.